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Version: 1.1.0

Watch devices

The AdbDaemonWebUsbDeviceObserver class in @yume-chan/adb-daemon-webusb package wraps WebUSB API to monitor device additions and removals.

import { AddEventListener } from "@yume-chan/event";
import { DeviceObserver } from "@yume-chan/adb";
import { AdbDaemonWebUsbDevice } from "@yume-chan/adb-daemon-webusb";

export declare class AdbDaemonWebUsbDeviceObserver
implements DeviceObserver<AdbDaemonWebUsbDevice>
onDeviceAdd: AddEventListener<AdbDaemonWebUsbDevice[], unknown>;
onDeviceRemove: AddEventListener<AdbDaemonWebUsbDevice[], unknown>;
onListChange: AddEventListener<AdbDaemonWebUsbDevice[], unknown>;
current: AdbDaemonWebUsbDevice[];

usb: USB,
options?: AdbDaemonWebUsbDeviceManager.RequestDeviceOptions

stop(): void;

Create an observer

Similar to AdbDaemonWebUsbDeviceManager, it requires a WebUSB implementation.

If you already have an AdbDaemonWebUsbDeviceManager instance, the trackDevices method creates an AdbDaemonWebUsbDeviceObserver instance that uses the same USB handle.

import {
} from "@yume-chan/adb-daemon-webusb";

declare const Manager: AdbDaemonWebUsbDeviceManager;

const observer: AdbDaemonWebUsbDeviceObserver = Manager.trackDevices();

You can also calling the constructor directly using a USB handle:

import { AdbDaemonWebUsbDeviceObserver } from "@yume-chan/adb-daemon-webusb";

const observer = new AdbDaemonWebUsbDeviceObserver(navigator.usb);

And similar to AdbDaemonWebUsbDeviceManager#requestDevice and AdbDaemonWebUsbDeviceManager#getDevices, it accepts an optional options parameter, to filter the devices. By default, it will only return devices that match the default ADB interface.

For example, to only receive events for a specific manufacturer and model:

import { AdbDaemonWebUsbDeviceObserver } from "@yume-chan/adb-daemon-webusb";

const observer = new AdbDaemonWebUsbDeviceObserver(navigator.usb, {
filters: [
vendorId: 0x18d1,
productId: 0x4ee2,

onDeviceAdd and onDeviceRemove

When a device is added or connected, the onDeviceAdd event will fire with the list of new devices. It automatically creates AdbDaemonWebUsbDevice instances for them.

When a device is removed or disconnected, the onDeviceRemove event will fire with the list of removed devices.

observer.onDeviceAdd((devices) => {
for (const device of devices) {

observer.onDeviceRemove((devices) => {
for (const device of devices) {

To remove an event listener, save and call the return value:

const removeListener = observer.onDeviceAdd((devices) => {
// ...


onListChange and current

The current field contains all the devices that are currently connected. Devices already connected when the observer is created won't fire the onDeviceAdd event, but they will be included in the current field.

When it changes, the onListChange event will fire with the new list. Note that with this device observer, the current field always contains the same array, only the items in the array may change.

for (const device of observer.current) {

observer.onListChange((devices) => {
console.log(devices === observer.current); // true

Stop the observer

The stop method removes all the event listeners and releases all the resources. The AdbDaemonWebUsbDeviceObserver instance is no longer usable after calling stop.