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Version: 1.1.0


Install an APK file on device filesystem.

If the APK file is not on the device yet, installStream can upload and install it in parallel.

export interface PackageManagerInstallOptions {
* `-R`
skipExisting: boolean;
* `-i`
installerPackageName: string;
* `-t`
allowTest: boolean;
* `-f`
internalStorage: boolean;
* `-d`
requestDowngrade: boolean;
* `-g`
grantRuntimePermissions: boolean;
* `--restrict-permissions`
restrictPermissions: boolean;
* `--dont-kill`
doNotKill: boolean;
* `--originating-uri`
originatingUri: string;
* `--referrer`
refererUri: string;
* `-p`
inheritFrom: string;
* `--pkg`
packageName: string;
* `--abi`
abi: string;
* `--ephemeral`/`--instant`/`--instantapp`
instantApp: boolean;
* `--full`
full: boolean;
* `--preload`
preload: boolean;
* `--user`
user: SingleUserOrAll;
* `--install-location`
installLocation: PackageManagerInstallLocation;
* `--install-reason`
installReason: PackageManagerInstallReason;
* `--force-uuid`
forceUuid: string;
* `--apex`
apex: boolean;
* `--force-non-staged`
forceNonStaged: boolean;
* `--staged`
staged: boolean;
* `--force-queryable`
forceQueryable: boolean;
* `--enable-rollback`
enableRollback: boolean;
* `--staged-ready-timeout`
stagedReadyTimeout: number;
* `--skip-verification`
skipVerification: boolean;
* `--bypass-low-target-sdk-block`
bypassLowTargetSdkBlock: boolean;

declare class PackageManager {
async install(
apks: string[],
options?: Partial<PackageManagerInstallOptions>
): Promise<string>;


import type { Adb } from "@yume-chan/adb";
import { PackageManager } from "@yume-chan/android-bin";

declare const adb: Adb;
const pm = new PackageManager(adb);

await pm.install(["/path/to/app.apk"]);
Equivalent ADB Command
adb shell pm install /path/to/app.apk