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Version: 1.1.0


Get file information, similar to Linux lstat/stat system calls/commands

interface AdbSyncStat {
mode: number;
size: bigint;
mtime: bigint;
get type(): LinuxFileType;
get permission(): number;

uid?: number;
gid?: number;
atime?: bigint;
ctime?: bigint;

declare class AdbSync {
get supportsStat(): boolean;
lstat(path: string): Promise<AdbSyncStat>;
stat(path: string): Promise<AdbSyncStat>;
lstat (Android 7 and below)lstat (Android 8 and above)stat
Android versionAll88
ADB feature nameNonestat_v2stat_v2
Sync commandSTATLST2STA2
Follow symlinksNoNoYes
Size larger than 4GBNoYesYes
Returns uid, gid, atime and ctimeNoYesYes

mtime, atime and ctime are in seconds since Unix epoch.

AdbSync#supportsStat property can be used to check if the device supports LST2 and STA2 commands (on Android 8 and above).


For lstat on Android 8 and above and stat, if a file system error occurs, a normal Error with message set to the error name (e.g. ENOENT) will be thrown.

All error code and names are:

  • EACCES = 13
  • EEXIST = 17
  • EFAULT = 14
  • EFBIG = 27
  • EINTR = 4
  • EINVAL = 22
  • EIO = 5
  • EISDIR = 21
  • ELOOP = 40
  • EMFILE = 24
  • ENFILE = 23
  • ENOENT = 2
  • ENOMEM = 12
  • ENOSPC = 28
  • ENOTDIR = 20
  • EOVERFLOW = 75
  • EPERM = 1
  • EROFS = 30
  • ETXTBSY = 26

For lstat on Android 7 and below, the returned AdbSyncStat will have all fields set to 0.


const stat = await sync.stat("/sdcard/Download");
Equivalent ADB command
adb shell stat /sdcard/Download